50 Years of Title IX: The Progress, Impact and Promise

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the passage of Title IX, we held a panel discussion with distinguished experts and advocates from across higher education who shared their personal stories, discussed the opportunities provided by Title IX and celebrated the lasting impact on past, present and future generations.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is arguably one of the most significant pieces of American civil rights legislation of the 20th century – and one that has had a positive impact on higher education institutions across the United States.
To hear unique insights and expertise shared by panelists during the rich conversation, watch the 50 Years of Title IX: The Progress, Impact and Promise, now available on demand.

Mike Huseby - Host
Chief Executive Officer, BNED

Marianne Reilly - Moderator
Director of Intercollegiate Athletics, Manhattan College

Batouly Camara
Former Student Athlete at UCONN, Head Girls Basketball Coach at Blair Academy and founder of non-profit Women and Kids Empowerment (W.A.K.E.)

Neena Chaudhry
General Counsel & Senior Advisor of Education, National Women's Law Center

Salima Rockwell
Head Women's Volleyball Coach, University of Notre Dame

Candi Smiley
Deputy Title IX Director, UCLA